Emergency plan
The safety of the building in different situations has been evaluated with a comprehensive safety assessment. The emergency plan based on this assessment is an important document, which helps to act fast and efficiently in emergencies.
It is very important to make sure that staircases are kept unobstructed and safe. Furniture or other items must not be stored in staircases since they can hinder fast evacuation and cause a high risk of fire safety. Remember to regularly check that the fire alarm works correctly. In addition, check that extinguishing equipment is in good working order and sufficiently available when needed.
Emergency plans for Koas buildings
Ainola, Survontie 38
Etelä-Kekkola, Kekkolantie 31
Etelä-Kekkola, Pellonreuna 2
Harju, Kauppakatu 11b A & 11b B
Heikinsilta, Ramoninkatu 2
Hospa, Kauppakatu 11
Humppa, Humppakuja 2 & 4
Jyvänen, Helkantie 2
Kankaantorni, Paperitehtaankatu 5
Kangas, Ailakinkatu 2
Korttelikylä, Pitkäkatu 19 & 21
Koppari, Polttolinja 10
Kotiraide, Veturitallinkatu 3
Laajavuori, Tuomiojärvenranta 2
Myllyjärvi, Loukkukorventie 6 & Kynnystie 1
Rantapolku, Rantapellonpolku 6
Ratapiha, Veturitallinkatu 5
Ristonmaa, Helvintie2
Seminaarinmäki, Hämeenkatu 8
Sillanpää, Survontie 46
Syke, Kauppakatu 13b
Tango, Tangokuja 2 & 4
Tourula, Hahlo 9
Veturi, Vapaudenkatu 66
Ykköspesä, Ykköspesänkatu 1