Hahlo 9, 40100 Jyväskylä
- Studio
- Two-room apt.
Sustainable and urban home close to nature
In Koas Tourula, comfortable living and responsibility meet. The new housing location will be completed by the end of 2024 in the upcoming Pajala area. Koas Tourula is located by the Tourujoki river, right near the city center of Jyväskylä.
In the bright studios and two-room apartments, every square meter has been used effectively, so that there is enough space for storing things as well as for many everyday functions. Living comfort is enhanced by underfloor heating, mechanical ventilation, a dishwasher, induction stove and an integrated oven as well as windows that open as French balconies. The largest studios have a wooden slatted wall that divides the living space comfortably.
Communal spaces offer opportunities for leisure time and studying. The laundry and bike maintenance facilities are a practical help in everyday life, when the services can be found close. Each apartment has a storage locker and, depending on the size of the apartment, 1 – 2 bicycle spaces. The comfortable sauna department, lounge space and a reservable study room are available to the residents.
Sustainable development has been taken into account in the selection of materials and housing technology. The building is designed for class A energy, and part of the energy is produced with our own solar panels. Koas Tourula is a car-free housing location.
The location of Koas Tourula is ideal: the convenience store, downtown services and the campus areas of educational institutions are only a short walking and cycling distance away. Just around the corner you can also find the Tourujoki nature trail and the Rantaraitti that goes around Lake Jyväsjärvi.
Apartment equipment:
- Dishwasher
- Fridge freezer
- Induction stove
- Venetian blinds on windows
- Fixed ceiling lamps
- Storage locker per apartment
- Numbered bike parking places inside the building
- Vinyl flooring
- Bathroom walls and floors are tiled
- Place for 40cm washing machine
Included in rent:
Compare apartments in this location
Size | Rent | Apartment type | Room configuration |
30 m² | 474-508 €/mo. | Studio 101, 205 305, 405, 505, 605, 705 | 1r+k |
30 m² | 474-508 €/mo. | Studio 102, 206, 306, 406, 506, 606, 706 | 1r+k |
30 m² | 474-508 €/mo. | Studio 103, 207, 307, 407, 507, 607, 707 | 1r+k |
30 m² | 474-508 €/mo. | Studio 104, 208, 308, 408, 508, 608, 708 | 1r+k |
34 m² | 532-570 €/mo. | Two-room apt. 105, 210, 310, 410, 510, 610, 710 | 2r+k |
30 m² | 474-508 €/mo. | Studio 106, 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711 | 1r+k |
30 m² | 474-508 €/mo. | Studio 107, 212, 312, 412, 512, 612, 712 | 1r+k |
36,5 m² | 577-605 €/mo. | Two-room apt. 201, 301, 401, 501, 601, 701 | 2r+k |
30 m² | 484-508 €/mo. | Studio 202, 302, 402, 502, 602, 702 | 1r+k |
30 m² | 484-508 €/mo. | Studio 203, 303, 403, 503, 603, 703 | 1r+k |
30 m² | 484-508 €/mo. | Studio 204, 304, 404, 504, 604, 704 | 1r+k |
43 m² | 652-684 €/mo. | Two-room apt. 209, 309, 409, 509, 609, 709 | 2r+k |
26,5 m² | 463-457 €/mo. | Studio 213, 313, 413, 513, 613, 713 | 1r+k |
30 m² | 484-508 €/mo. | Studio 214, 314, 414, 514, 614, 714 | 1r+k |
30 m² | 484-508 €/mo. | Studio 215, 315, 415, 515, 615, 715 | 1r+k |
30 m² | 484-508 €/mo. | Studio 216, 316, 416, 516, 616, 716 | 1r+k |
30 m² | 484-508 €/mo. | Studio 217, 317, 417, 517, 617, 717 | 1r+k |
30 m² | 484-508 €/mo. | Studio 218, 318, 418, 518, 618, 718 | 1r+k |
30 m² | 484-508 €/mo. | Studio 219, 319, 419, 519. 619, 719 | 1r+k |
Service company contact information:
Jyväskylän HuoltoSilta Oy
Hämeenpohjantie 13
tel. +358 400 917 722
After 4 pm and during weekends tel. +358 207 351 610