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Maintenance companies

The facility management service for your building is provided by a maintenance company. You will find the name and contact details of your maintenance company at the main door of your building, as well as on the noticeboard in the hall.

The maintenance company takes care of various service tasks in your building, such as the maintenance of electrical and HVAC systems, cleaning the staircases and communal spaces, snow removal and lawn maintenance, and changing the bulbs in communal spaces and garden.

The maintenance companies have an around-the-clock door opening service 24/7. This service is chargeable.

Jyväskylän HuoltoSilta Oy

Koas addresses: Ainolankaari 2, Hahlo 9, Helkantie 2, Helvintie 2, Humppakuja 2 & 4, Kauppakatu 11, Kauppakatu 11b A & 11b B, Kekkolantie 31 & Pellonreuna 2, Loukkukorventie 6 & Kynnystie 1, Palstatie 3, Palstatie 4, Paperitehtaankatu 5, Polttolinja 10, Ramoninkatu 2, Survontie 38, Survontie 46, Tangokuja 2 & 4, Vapaudenkatu 66, Veturitallinkatu 3, Veturitallinkatu 5, Ykköspesänkatu 1.

Hämeenpohjantie 13, 40520 JYVÄSKYLÄ

tel. +358400 917 722 office

tel. +358207 351 610after 4 pm and during weekends


Sulun Kiinteistönhoito Oy

Koas addresses: Auvilankuja 2, Hämeenkatu 8, Letkutie 2, Rantapellonpolku 6,  Taitoniekantie 2, Tuomiojärvenranta 2.

Betonitie 4, 40320 JYVÄSKYLÄ

tel. +35810 8209 300 office

tel. +358400 641 726after office hours



Koas addresses: Ailakinkatu 10.

Pajatie 2, 40630 Jyväskylä

tel. +35820 762 2480 24/7 (chargable number)


360 Palvelut

Koas addresses: Pitkäkatu 19 A, Pitkäkatu 21 B & C

Laukaantie 4, 40320 JYVÄSKYLÄ

tel. +358443 360 360 24/7
